Serpentine Galleries

Future Art Ecosystems: Art x Metaverse (FAE2)

Future Art Ecosystems (FAE) is an annual strategic briefing that provides concepts, references, language and arguments that can be integrated into operational agendas for 21st century cultural infrastructure.

Our second volume, Future Art Ecosystems: Art x Metaverse (FAE2)  is now available to download. FAE2 considers how the perception, experience and production of art are transforming with the advent of the metaverse, an always-online, persistent, spatial ‘second’ world and an emerging internet megastructure. 

FAE2 is produced by Serpentine’s R&D Platform  in collaboration with Rival Strategy  and Luke Caspar Pearson 

FAE2 was made in collaboration with Amelia Winger-Bearskin


National Endowment for the Arts: Tech as Art


Monsters: 360 video installation