Water is a huge, monumental, fundamental amazing thing. Because of that, most people, when I strike up a conversation about water, will first tell me they do not know a lot about a particular part of the water story. Even water scientists are humble about this. We all are learning, and not one of us knows precisely how the climate crisis will pan out in the near future, but we all know water will be the center of that story. So I think it is crucial to bridge the gap between water scientists and the general population, so we can begin to tell water stories and address the global water crisis. It is said that “The future is here it’s just not evenly distributed.” It’s the same way with the water crisis— it will be a crisis for all of us one day. Still, currently, those shouldering the most of this burden are the global indigenous, the water protectors seeking to stop the extraction and pollution of their ecosystems. It feels far away now, but their water is our water, or will be soon. If we don’t listen to them, it’s like we’re ignoring a message from the future. Part of Talk to me About Water is also bridging that gap for those who are experiencing the water crisis more acutely to hear from them, unfiltered.
Talk to Me About Water’s video and woman on the street reporting is part of For Freedom’s Newsroom Residency at the Brooklyn Museum 2022-2023 and Untitled Art Fair in Miami, FL 2022.